Saturday, April 24, 2010

Our New Center of Attention (or Parental Cathexis)

She's here!!!

Mia Jeanine Wade was born at 12:28 AM (EST) on Wednesday, April 21, 2010. She was 22 inches long and...

Jillian had to have a c-section at the 11th hour (literally) but when she later saw how much Mia weighed, suddenly a c-section didn't seem like such a bad idea. Mia picked up a slight infection in the process and had to spend some time down in the Neonatal ICU. Fortunately, Inova Fairfax Hospital is home to the 4th best NICU team in the country and Mia was in good hands. Yesterday, she graduated from the NICU and came up stairs to spend some much needed cuddle time with Mommy and Daddy...

Mia spends most of her time sleeping and there are very few photos of her yet with her eyes open. Seriously, she slept through needles, diaper changes, feedings, you name it.

Her 5 minutes are up and she's fading fast!

Our Little Buddha


Lauren said...

what a good looking girl. Which makes sense. Hope you get to bring her home soon and look forward to meeting her!

Beth said...

She definately is a beautiful baby! And you know, beautiful babies turn into beautiful girls. Curtis you'll have to start working on that gun application from Uncle Wyatt!

Hannah said...

Hey I think she look's like me. I can see the same attitude lol. IF she does have my attitude LITTLE "C", you can handle that after all way was I put into your life. Love you both
Great Auntee Hannah

Margaret said...

Ahhh baby buddhas are so tender! I am glad to see that you have produced such adorable offspring. I am also glad to hear that she's out of the NICU! Hurray for her growth!

Curtis said...

Beth- I'm already calling in "the Hacksaw" as back-up muscle, don't worry.

Lauren/Margaret- Well, she was >95th percentile in weight/length so she's probably planning on being a chart-topper across the board. (Her head circumference was only 80th percentile, but I suspect that's because she's extremely considerate!)

The Legal Nickel said...

She is such a gorgeous baby! We are so happy for you two. Wish we could see her in person! Babies are the best. Enjoy her while you can because they grow up way too fast.