Thursday, April 29, 2010

Daddy's Corner

After a long week in the hospital, Mia came home with us Tuesday, April 27.

Finally out of those hospital clothes and in a comfortable bed!

But Daddy's arms are still best!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Our New Center of Attention (or Parental Cathexis)

She's here!!!

Mia Jeanine Wade was born at 12:28 AM (EST) on Wednesday, April 21, 2010. She was 22 inches long and...

Jillian had to have a c-section at the 11th hour (literally) but when she later saw how much Mia weighed, suddenly a c-section didn't seem like such a bad idea. Mia picked up a slight infection in the process and had to spend some time down in the Neonatal ICU. Fortunately, Inova Fairfax Hospital is home to the 4th best NICU team in the country and Mia was in good hands. Yesterday, she graduated from the NICU and came up stairs to spend some much needed cuddle time with Mommy and Daddy...

Mia spends most of her time sleeping and there are very few photos of her yet with her eyes open. Seriously, she slept through needles, diaper changes, feedings, you name it.

Her 5 minutes are up and she's fading fast!

Our Little Buddha

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Top 10 Reasons I Knew it was Time For Me to Go on Maternity Leave

10. Cankles…enough said.

9. Only 2 pairs of shoes currently fit my feet (see number 10).

8. I can conveniently erase the whiteboard with my baby belly.

7. At recess I let the kids who are in trouble and sitting out go early just so I can sit on their bench.

6. The sixth graders (whom I had 2 years ago) no longer say hi to me in the hallways after their sex ed lessons.

5. I scoot around the classroom way too much on my rolling chair.

4. I’ve scratched story time because I can’t sit Indian style on the floor and get up gracefully anymore.

3. Each mother on staff has told me about their birthing experiences…twice.

2. I refuse to buy anymore maternity clothes for my teaching wardrobe.

1. When walking around my classroom I accidentally hit my students on the backs of their heads with my baby belly.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Friends, Romans, Augurs...!

8 days from our due date, and apparently the little one is in no hurry to take reign over her new kingdom. Jillian and I have been taking turns advocating patience (until the end of Jillian's last day of teaching on Friday) and speed (i.e., before my exam period begins), but the actual day is anyone's guess at this point...

[Note: the doctor who 4 weeks ago said that in his professional opinion the baby would come in 2-3 weeks is banned from playing the guessing game.]